With only three chapters left, I spent the morning finishing Hunger Games and idled in my dorm.
I was surprised that I'm not the last person to leave our apartment, but Sungwan was soooo slow that he postponed our gathering time from 11:40 to 11:50 while I was already waiting outside!!!
Thankfully, we managed to get on Uber and arrived at the station before boarding time.
It's a crowded bus, but everyone possesses two seats. Not even those who know each other sit together, so both Korean friends and I sat separately.
After three hours, it's time to say goodbye, and of course we promise each other to keep in touch.
While Sungwan leaving for JFK and 경은 heading to accommodation, what's waiting for me was four more hours of bus.
當Sungwan往JFK機場 경은往飯店去的時候,等著我的是另外四小時的客運(倒
漫長的旅程是值得的!!! 站在Boston車站外等舅舅絕對是我能夠想到搭這麼久客運之後最幸福的事了,而且我還坐到跑車!!! 我以為他會開休旅車來載我XD
After seeing South Station Bus Terminal, I can totally understand why my cousins think Port Authority is dangerous cuz it's too dirty and rather unorganized. If my cousin told me earlier that he needs 10 more minutes to come, I would spend sometime in the terminal taking pictures.
It's so good to come back again. Home, Sweet Home!!!