2016年1月12日 星期二

Day 152: Boston (Imagination)

I stayed at home whole day catching up my Japanese schedule and watched two episodes of Marry Me, Or Not?

It's a normal Tuesday, but we had interesting discussion at night.

Kairan asked why Santa knows how to write their names, and Po-Shun answered "Because Santa is magical." Amy said something that roused my interest "Only people with childhood would say words like magical." ???
Kairan問說為什麼聖誕老公公知道怎麼寫他們的名字,舅舅回答「因為聖誕老公公很神奇。」舅媽說了引起我興趣的話「只有有童年的人會說出magical這種話。」 蛤???

I told her that I believe there's Santa until second or third year of junior high, and she thinks that's unimaginable. Both Po-Shun and I had experiences getting Christmas gifts from Santa when we were kids, but not Amy.

And then we had discussion about tooth fairy. Amy said that she doesn't care, so when she forgot to put money for Terran one time, she didn't understand why Po-Shun was angry. I remember that I had tooth fairy when I was little as well.

Amy said my mom's really like a western parent. I answered yes, and that's what I'm always happy about. (especially on education)

After that, I told Amy about the movie Rise of the Guardians, and I do think this is not only about culture, but also imagination. Maybe I'm naive, but I believe this is a proof that I should dedicate in movie industry.

