2016年1月3日 星期日

Day 143: Boston

Actually I don't have to write in English anymore, but I think as long as I have enough time, I'll keep doing it.

We went to Cheesecake Factory to have lunch today, and everyone had Sunday special brunch. I really think I need exercise, or I'll be super fat after the break.
我們今天去Cheesecake Factory吃午餐,每個人都吃了只有禮拜天才有的早午餐。我覺得我真的需要運動,不然放假完就變超胖。

Because Po-Shun mentioned that he saw my Harry Potter, The Lord of Rings and other English novels on my shelf, I browsed through Harry Potter forum on PTT which I haven't taken a look for a long time this afternoon. It's so much fun, and since Po-Shun and I discussed when can Terran start reading it, I myself want to read it RIGHT NOW, haha.

Day 20: “You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down” ― Charles Chaplin

I'll look up, and I'll find the rainbow, at least that's what I believe. I think I'm fine done with this countdown thing. :)
我會往上看,而且我會找到彩虹,至少我是這麼相信著的。我覺得我可以結束這無聊的倒數了。 :)

